Wednesday, November 2, 2011


 I know what you mean, _______, and there are still a lot of things I don't understand and just have to take on faith. I know our Father is real, and will protect His own because of what He has done for me.

 In my lifetime(in this age) I have been involved in 4 major automobile accidents and came out without a scratch. Three of my cars were totaled out, and the last one, happened about a month after I started to share these poesm and songs,

I was not paying good attention, and when a car in front of me slowed down to let a car in front of her, turn, I rearended her. I had just slowed down from 60 to 40 because I was almost home and was going to turn, when it happened. So here's the picture. I'm doing 40, she's slowed down to about 15 or 20, I hit her hard, and yet I didn't feel much of an impact. I was shaken emotionally, and got out of the van to see if the driver in front of me was okay, and see how much damage I had done.

Well,_______, there wasn't a dent or scratch on either car!! And if that wasn't enough "proof" for me, I have physical proof, for my front license plate was on her receiver hitch UNDER HER BUMPER, and I now have a clean SQUARE HOLE in my bumper where the license plate USED TO BE!!! There is no physical way this could happen without smashing our fenders for my bumper was HIGHER than her bumper, and there is no earthly way this could happen. But it did. Neither one of us called and reported the accident, for who would believe it?!

We did exchange phone numbers, and I did call her to be sure she was physically okay, but all I wound up doing was getting another set of plates and discovered several days later, that the impact had tore loose two of the holders on my wheel chair lift and it had slid forward, almost into my rear seats, so I had to have it reinstalled and tightened down.

The technician, who is a good Christian friend, just shook his head when I showed him the license plate with the hole in it, and said it had to have been a very hard impact to shake it loose like that. So that is one of my stories. Needless to say, I kept that license plate.

I had been getting discouraged and been having doubts about opening up like this, on the internet with all these poems and songs, and I think it was Father's way of telling me it was Him, not me, and I am the "tool" He is using to reach out and help the elect, in these last days. This may sound strange to you, but that is another story, and He gave me "proof" of that too.

This is why I always say, "Give God The Glory," for this is of Him, and not of me. Why am I writing all this to you? I have no idea. I just try to follow where He leads me, praying that this is His will, and not mine.

                                                                                       Love and prayers sent your way, Carol K

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