Thursday, November 24, 2011


Thanksgiving means many things to many people.

A time to eat, and gather together with family and friends; watching the parades with their floats, music, and marching bands. And of course, you either hate or love the games we watch on Thanksgiving day!! LOL

It's a time to visit and catch up on what's going on in the lives with family and friends.

Thanksgiving brings out the best in us, because it is a celebration of love and sharing, not gifts bought and exchanged, or completely commercialized as other holidays.

I thank God for all of you, and hope you all have a wonderful day. May Father bless and be with you. Happy Thanksgiving. Carol

A Thanksgiving wish for all my friends and family. "When you go to count your blessings, each and everyone, and you think your count is finished, God has just begun."
I am thankful to the Father, He is our past, present, and future. The hardships and trials we have suffered in the past, have given us faith and confidence that with His help, we can deal with what we must face in the present, and ....knowing that on Him we can depend, to overcome whatever our future may hold.
This is the Blessed Assurance all Christians share, as they celebrate Thanksgiving. We are never alone, so whether alone, or with many friends or family, remember to thank Father for each day, for He is always there. We are never alone, when we just take a moment and turn to Him in Prayer.
"He knows all our thoughts and needs, and on Him we can depend. He is our Father, our Savior, our greatest friend." Have a blessed and safe Thanksgiving.
Love and prayers sent your way. Carol K

Friday, November 18, 2011


         FATHER,  I LOVE YOU
Father, I love you, Father, I need you,
Father, I want you to stay close to me.
Father, I love you, Father, I need you,
Father, help me share, for others to see.*
Father, this song, You shared with me,
Is now out, for all to see.
I humbly ask that You may show,
Us the way You'd have us go.
Not my will, but thy will,
Is the way that we should pray,
And ask for help to keep us on,
The path you've set our way.
Eph 6:18
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perserverance and supplication for all saints;
Eph 6:19
And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,
Eph 6:20
For which I am an ambassador in bonds; therein that I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

Life, Love, and Memories
Jesus died to pay the price,
That gave us back eternal life.
So now, life, love, and memory,
The best three things in life are free.
There is no price on life to pay,
Except you live it, day by day.
It cannot be bought or sold,
Or held by use of force or gold.
The love, you have, was got by giving,
And memories made, to share, through living.
Our mind fades out "bad times" to give,
"Good times" a second chance to live.
So do not fear, or dread to be,
This way leads to eternity.
Only through Jesus, will you find,
Your way back to God, and peace of mind.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

COMMENT- To A Friend On Dealing With Difficult Family

_______,You are my true family, we are children of our Lord, and as such, He has placed us in some unusual families. Some of our familes are in the spirit of slumber, and they get angry over little things, because they are unable to understand. These cutting comments, you need to let slide off you, like water off a duck's back.

Honey, you have a heart as big as Texas, and as you share your love and understanding with others, they share their love and understanding back with you. Just think," hmmm, guess we'll have to deal with this situation in the millennium," and go on being the person, Father wants you to be.

We are grateful for our families, both physical, and spiritual, so if some are stumbling blocks to you, just remember, you have the lLord, He is working through you, many times in ways you do not know, and as you share your thoughts of hurt and pain with Him, trust Him to know the answers, and just keep following the path He's set for you.

Lots of these trials are really learning experiences, so you may understand and be able to reach out to others who are going through what you are going through, today. Here is a link to one of my "hidey-holes, where I have some notes that you might like to reread(most of them are mostly of Father, not me, I just typed them, but they are all learning experieinces I have shared to help others, also. From there, you can go to other places where His poems, songs, etc. are tucked away.

I ask Father's blessings on you and your family, but you are already blessed, just through the love we all share with Him. (I'll just give you the one address, as it's just a click away, and then you can come "visit" with me anytime you just need to "get away.) . Love and prayers sent your way. Carol K

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

WHEN GROUPS DIVIDE - Comments on Bitterness and Anger

Whatever has been said, we need to let the bitterness and anger go, and start anew. Father knows even our thoughts and is able to forgive us when we ask, so do you think it would be okay if we let His Will become our will, and His Way become our way? Can we forgive and forget the past, and in the spirit of love shown us, also do the same. This is a new day, so let us try to live and think in a better way.
We must not ask Father for revenge because of a breakup in a group. If you let bitterness in your heart, you will gradually move God out.
If bitterness is on your mind,
Then love and truth, you will not find."
This is part of one of the poems He gave me, when I was holding bitterness in my heart against some of my family. It was a seperation between the Father and me, and it wasn't untill I let it go, and let His will become mine, that He was able to work through me again. That was a time of bitterness and tears that stretched out into some very long years. I now do all I can do to keep others from having to go through this experience. We bring troulbles on ourselves if we wish troubles on others
You can live for yourself, you can share with another,
But if you live for the Lord, than each man is your brother."
( Yes I know, a lot of us are women, but that is just in this age, if you get my drift.)
Forgiveness and sharing, go hand in hand;
We are all part of the Father's plan.
Some may think we should all one group be,
But each group reaches out to others, differently.
Groups are seperate, and teach in different ways,
But we are still all of the same body; His Will, His Way.
Just like the leg does not do what the arm does, the body is out of balance if one limb is cast off. Jesus gave us an example through His disciples, for when they went off to teach, they went one or two, but never three, and went off in different directions, reaching out, differently. But they were still one body, although far away, for they belonged to Jesus, and so do we, today.
Sometimes we have too many leaders and not enough members. Good leaders are also strong leaders, and even though you think everone is getting along, all have different ways of leading. Toes are going to be stepped on in these circumstances. You can be partners with one you truly trust, and you can have others who will be more than williing to volunteer and share, but too many leaders, if they are nautural leaders, can use the group as a stepping stone, for their leadership ablilities will always want to "change and improve" things, as they also want to reach out and help in our Father's work. This is why it is good for some groups to seperate and spread out; the reachout will be so much greater. It is a compliment when good leaders come from a group, and this will really work out for good.
As you set up the library and replace documents, you are actually going through and sharing a review of all that has been stored away. This gives new members a chance to see the documents, read, and review, as you "renew" the library.
Put your trust in God, not in fellow man,
Then when they say or you think you can't,
You'll find through God, you can.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


 I know what you mean, _______, and there are still a lot of things I don't understand and just have to take on faith. I know our Father is real, and will protect His own because of what He has done for me.

 In my lifetime(in this age) I have been involved in 4 major automobile accidents and came out without a scratch. Three of my cars were totaled out, and the last one, happened about a month after I started to share these poesm and songs,

I was not paying good attention, and when a car in front of me slowed down to let a car in front of her, turn, I rearended her. I had just slowed down from 60 to 40 because I was almost home and was going to turn, when it happened. So here's the picture. I'm doing 40, she's slowed down to about 15 or 20, I hit her hard, and yet I didn't feel much of an impact. I was shaken emotionally, and got out of the van to see if the driver in front of me was okay, and see how much damage I had done.

Well,_______, there wasn't a dent or scratch on either car!! And if that wasn't enough "proof" for me, I have physical proof, for my front license plate was on her receiver hitch UNDER HER BUMPER, and I now have a clean SQUARE HOLE in my bumper where the license plate USED TO BE!!! There is no physical way this could happen without smashing our fenders for my bumper was HIGHER than her bumper, and there is no earthly way this could happen. But it did. Neither one of us called and reported the accident, for who would believe it?!

We did exchange phone numbers, and I did call her to be sure she was physically okay, but all I wound up doing was getting another set of plates and discovered several days later, that the impact had tore loose two of the holders on my wheel chair lift and it had slid forward, almost into my rear seats, so I had to have it reinstalled and tightened down.

The technician, who is a good Christian friend, just shook his head when I showed him the license plate with the hole in it, and said it had to have been a very hard impact to shake it loose like that. So that is one of my stories. Needless to say, I kept that license plate.

I had been getting discouraged and been having doubts about opening up like this, on the internet with all these poems and songs, and I think it was Father's way of telling me it was Him, not me, and I am the "tool" He is using to reach out and help the elect, in these last days. This may sound strange to you, but that is another story, and He gave me "proof" of that too.

This is why I always say, "Give God The Glory," for this is of Him, and not of me. Why am I writing all this to you? I have no idea. I just try to follow where He leads me, praying that this is His will, and not mine.

                                                                                       Love and prayers sent your way, Carol K

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

AND THE WORDS KEEP FLOWING,Help Dry My Tears/On Judging Others

( A lot of my friends are going through some "trying" times, so I thought this might help, even though it was only about a month ago when I wrote it. Love and prayers sent your way. Carol K )
          And The Words Keep Flowing
Sometimes we have a very rough day, but everything that happens to us, is a learning experience.
You know, with my memory, I'm not very good with chapter and verse, {maybe why He gave me the gift of poems and songs,} but you remember when Job had his rough experience, and still he kept his faith in, and relied on God to help see him, through? And, you know how, when you are given more responsibility in a job, you are tested to be sure you'll be able to handle it, with someone "hovering" over you?
We will all be tested in different ways, to be sure we can stay strong, and when "we" cannot, we know Who to turn to, for He is ready and able.
We can't let pride get in our way, thinking, "I can do it, myself," for we will be dealing with ones who are "drawing their power from their father.""I" cannot do it "myself," but must draw on the Lord's strength, in Jesus name, and "We" can do it, together.
           HELP DRY MY TEARS
Lord, help dry my tears and let me smile,
As I sing Your songs, Your way,
And let Your love shine out through me,
When all else has gone astray.
When life goes wrong, and the pain is deep,
And I don't know what I can do,
I rest in faith that You're in charge,
Since I gave my life to You.
Sometimes we have not been able to forgive someone for something, and this prevents Father from being able to fully answer our prayers.
This is part of one of the prayer poems Father gave me when I was still keeping anger inside for members of my own family. It was not until I realized that I had to totally forgive all, before I was able to get right with our Father.
When bitterness is on your mind,
Then love and truth you will not find.
Belief in the Lord who died for you,
Lets prayers be heard and answered, too.
             ON JUDGING OTHERS
Have we gone so far, that there is no way,
For compassion and mercy on Judgement Day?
Alone, we must stand, for what we do and say,
Let'a not judge each other, or for this we will pay.
"Who art thou that judgest another man's servant?
"In the Bible's the answer, for all those observant.
"To his own master, he standeth or falleth,
"Not by man, but by God, can this be resolveth.
"Yea, he shall be holden up,"
For God is able to make him stand.
Is your righteousness so great,
That for another you can command?

Monday, October 24, 2011


So many times, I read a poem Father gave me, and I don't really understand the total meaning there. And then, later on in life, it becomes even more real to me than ever before. Sounds a little crazy, I know, but then when you understand that Father knows what some of our futures hold, forordained from old, even though the poems was wrote for someone else, long ago, how wonderful that it can still hold true today.
My heart cries out for those who refuse to see, because they are so caught up in life, they do not realize they are traveling the path to deception and death. And then, there are those who physically can not see, but Father has given them a perception to discern and actually "see" more than those who do have good eyes.
Some are spiritually blind and some are physically blind, but Father can heal all types of blindness, in His own way and time.
So many of us have members in our own families who are so caught up and  involved in the ways of the world, that they simply refuse to turn to the Father, even when faced with sickness or death. I sometimes wonder why Father chose to put us in this families, but then some of the reasons I can easily see.
Let's play a game called, "IF?"
"If" we were born in a family who all had eyes to see and ears to hear, would we be so open to search for the Lord's will in our own lives and then share with others, or would we just be content to let life go on, and not put out that extra effort that is necessary, to discover and follow the path set before us?
"If" we were not born in this family, would we still have the ability to reach out to them and help them in the millennium, if we are unable to reach them in this age in the normal way?
"If" the Lord has put them in a spirit of "slumber," for their own protection, (which is why they cannot be reached at this time,) does that not give us even more love and compassion to reach out to others, resting in our faith in our Father, and knowing that it is all in His plan?

If my mouth could not speak,
Still, He is the Living Word.
If my ears could not hear,
Still, my prayers would all be heard.
If my eyes should lose their sight,
Still, my heart would let me see.
If my body lost it's motion,
Still, my soul would set me free.
If my memory should leave me,
With my Savior, I will be;
For He's always there to guide me,
Since He gave His Life for me.
If my life be taken from me,
Still, I'll live eternally.
Turn your life over to Jesus,
And His Love will set you free.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

HIstory>His Story>My Story>Shared Story> A MOTHER'S FINAL PRAYER

Just as WILL YOU FALL AWAY is my final song, I thought it right to again share my very first poem.

Taken from my personal notebook.(Dated July, 1977) 

Was worrying over a woman blaming herself, when her mother (89) had a stroke, and survived as a "vegetable." The daughter was convinced that God was punishing her mother, and that she was suffering, or her mother would have died instantly. 

I was driving down the road, feeling this was wrong, and wanting to help her, but not knowing how. Then this verse kept running through my mind, and I almost felt compelled to pull over, which I did, and started writing it down on the back of an electric bill envelope, which was all I had in the car. I had to abbreviate to keep up with the words, that were coming so fast in my mind. I had never done this before. This is the first poem "We" ever wrote.

I had always been bothered by the fact that I did not give the daughter this poem, but I did not understand what it was, or what it meant. Although it didn't make it right, it was some consolation that this poem has brought some comfort to others in similar situations. 
This poem was to lead me on a search for understanding, as I though I was a Christian. I had been baptize as a baby, went to church all my child and teenage life, sang in the choir, wore a Cross around my neck, read the Bible, and had absolutely NO understanding of what I was missing. Looking back, I can see where Father kept turning me around, as He led me through all kinds of "learning experiences." 

(It was 4 years later, when I did finallly get the poem to her.) 


Don't sorrow for me if my mind has gone, 
And left this body, which stll lingers on. 
I remembered God's promise to all of mankind, 
So I left, just a little ahead of time. 
Though a burden of love,
To my body you bear,
Just try to remeber,
I'm not really there. 

The machinery's still running, 
But my soul's gone ahead.
Don't sorrow for me,
As there's no word as "dead." 

My body of sorrow, disappointment, and pain,
Are all left behind, as I'm on a new plane. 
When God and our Savior are ready for you, 
Don't sorrow for me, for I'll be there, too.

Friday, October 21, 2011

History > His Story > My Story > Shared Story> OH FATHER, IS IT YOU OR ME

( Found a little notebook I had tucked away, filled with some of my poems, excerpts of poems, and in the back of this book, some stories typed out. I vaguely remember doing this, as I was recovering from a nervous breakdown.)

Dated June, 1982
     I started to write a collection of some of these poems, and had given sevral copies  to friends or ones I thought they might help, but I think now, what I really ought to do, is not only write the poems, but also the story behind them, as best as I can remember.  Maybe. this way, others would understand them better.  The poem," Oh Father, Is It You Or Me,"  helped me to reach this decision.
     I  had returned from the hospital, and found my memory was getting so bad, I wasn't able to visit or get around very well, but I did manage to put quite a few of these poems and the stories behind them, on tape.  It worried my family dreadfully, and for several years after, it would make them nervous if they saw me read or listen to these poems.  I can't explain any of it, I just knew it was important to save them.
     Using both this tape, and the memories of my family and friends, I have been able to get this collection, plus others written since then, together.  I haven't changed any names of people or places, but in order to protect the privacy of the ones involved, I haven't mentioned many, either.
     I think the most important idea to keep in mind when reading any of this is, The Glory is God's.

( I didn't even understand a lot of the poems, back then, but now I do. It was one of those "learning experiences" we all go through. I was bedridden at that time, and was so shakey, that it took all I could do, just to work that little tape recorder.)


Oh Father, is it You or me,
That puts these words this way,
Or is it us together,
And just another way to pray.

Please let the folks who read this verse,
Understand the meaning there,
Not word for word, but all of it,
Let the message to them be clear.

Not to confuse, but just to help,
The pain, whatever it be,
To know that no one's ever alone,
Unless they want to be.

Not my will, but thy will.
Is the way that we should pray,
And ask for help to guide us on,
The path You've set our way.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Part 1 was a request for comments and help on researching this song.

Part 2 ***************************************

( Note: Before we can sing or play a song, we must understand what it says. When asked questions, we must be able to turn to the Bible and show others, so that they will be able to turn from the traditions of men, and back to God.)


Do you have enough oil, the truth in God's Word,
In your lamp to hold you till the true Jesus comes,
Or will you fall away, like the five virgins did,
And be deceived by the deceitful one.

God's truth is like honey, the Bible complete,
So sweet, and a food to the soul.
But, when you try to share this truth that you found,
How bitter it can be, going down.

Those with eyes who can see, those with ears who can hear,
Will search His Word, and will find,
So many stories untold, that He wants you to know,
So you'll wait, till the true Jesus comes.

Many people who love Jesus,
Are going to be mislead,
Because they did not study all His Word,
And know what our Father said.

Their lamps are only half full,
And they will fall away,
When the "false" jesus appears,
And they believe what he has to say.

And then, when the "true" Jesus comes,
Their shame will be more than they can bear,
And they'll wish for mountains to fall on their head,
Because they'd been deceived by what another had said.

So sweet going down, so bitter coming out,
But still God's Word is music to my soul.
I'll share my song with you, it may bring a smile or frown,
But those with eyes to see, will search till truth be found.

Part 3 *****************************************

If we can, let's research oil and lamp. I am going to give you some of my thoughts, and then I really want to hear yours. North, South, East, or West, whatever and whichever direction we come from, all these paths will lead to God's truth, which is best.

Now, the song asks if you have enough oil, and then seems to refer to the oil as " the truth in God's Word." What does this mean?

I keep thinking "sons of oil," (and words won't leave me alone,) but I can't find it in the Bible, so, as I know the song is concerniing prophecy, when looking up "oil" in the Strong's Concordance, of course it is olive oil and many phrases refer to anointing with oil in the prophets. I finally found the words "son's of oil" in a Bible commentary which referred to it as the Hebrew of "anointed ones." In a round about way, this led me to the 2 witnesses.

Anointed ones (Strongs) Zec 4:14

Zec 4:11 Then answered I, and said unto him," What are these two olive trees upon the right side of the candlestick and upon the left side thereof?"
Zec 4:12 And I answered again, and said unto him, " What be these two olive branches which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves?"
Zec 4:13 And he answered me and said, " Knowest thou not what these be?" And I said, " No, my lord."
Zec 4:14 Then said he, " These are the two anointed ones, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth."

Rev 11:3 And I will give power unto My two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth."
Rev 11:4 These are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks, standing before the God of the earth.

Rev. 1:20 The mystery of the seven stars, which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches; and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.

Also read Rev. 1:12-20 to get full background.

So, using my imagination, I'm picturing the candlestick as stated in Zec. 4:11 as being the Lord, the oil (the song says) is the true Word of God, flows from the Lord into the two witnesses, and this oil (truth) flows out of the two witnesses into the seven (complete, elect, or churches) lamps.


Lamps light the way, the oil must be God's whole truth, not man's traditions.


Hold,... meaning you must wait

Till True Jesus comes,... meaning false jesus comes first

There's another place in the Bible, where it talks about this lamp, but I can't find it. I'm thinking it was in heaven or the Ark of the Covenant?

I'm looking forward to getting your help and comments on this. I learn a lot this way. Sending love and prayers your way.


Oh Father, is it You or me, that puts these words this way?
Or is it us, together, and just another way to pray?
Please let the folks who read this verse, understand the meaning there;
Not word by word, but all of it, let the message to them be clear.

Not to confuse, but just to help, the pain, whatever it be;
To know that no one's ever alone, unless they want to be.
Not my will, but Thy will, is the way that we should pray,
And ask for help to keep us on the path You've set our way.
See More

Part 4 ****************************************
(Personal memory I'd like to share.)
Was trying to remember when "i" wrote this song,Gospel Armour, but I remember I took it and my omnichord to a Passover we had in Fort Smith, Ark. somewhere around 1985 or 1995?. It was the first time I was ever at a Passover Service, and Mom, Jim and I went to Gravette, after,and visited the Chapel, before driving home.
Some very special things happened to me on the way there, while I was there, and on the way home. but the thing I most remember is ithat it was on the way home, when the song. Do You Have Enough Oil, came to me and so got written on the road.
Another thing that makes this so special, is that it is the last song, Father has ever shared with me. On reflection, the first poem He ever gave me, The Mother's Final Prayer, was also written on the road. ( I had to pull off the road to write it, as it kept going over and over in my mind, and I couldn't even concentrate to drive.)
I am not able to read very well, anymore, and so deep study in the written Bible is no longer possible for me. It is okay, though, because it's like His truth is inside of me. Kinda hard to explain, but just as the poems and songs I wrote were not words by me, so are these words I sometimes share as notes; they just seem to come out of me.

Most of the poems given me, can be turned into songs more easily shared, and are basically His story of me. "Put On All Your Gospel Armour" and "Do You Have Enough Oil," are totally different, you see. They are the last two and the only two that came as songs, with me hearing the melody, and they are not part of my history. Not yet, anyway, so I just try to keep doing what needs doing, today.

( As I was writng the notes for the next part of DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH OIL ( The Five Virgins/Will You Fall Away) I suddenly realized that these 2 songs go hand in hand, and that we would all need a copy of GOSPEL ARMOUR to be able to refer to, so though it seems like I am jumping from one song to another, they actually compliment each other and "stand" together.)

(Note: Before we can sing or play a song, we must understand what it says. When asked questions, we must be able to turn to the Bible and show others, so that they will be able to to turn from the traditions of man, and back to God.)


Put on all your Gospel Armour and be ready to fight.
There's a battle coming, and it can't be won by might.
Put on all you Gospel Armour and be ready to stand.
There's a battle coming, and it's not against a man.

Our foe's the Ruler of Darkness, Prince of the Power of the Air,

And he fights with deception, disinterest and despair.
Put on the Breastplate of Righteousness, to help you persevere,
Strengthened by the Belt of Truth, which is what the devil fears.

Being Shod with Preperation of the Gospel, and you'll know,
How to stand, and not give way, in this battle with the foe.
Put on your Helmet of Salvation, take up the Shield of Faith, so you
Can withstand the fiery darts, which Satin hurls at you.

Your Sword, which is the Word of God, will help you in this fight,
Until the Prince of Peace comes, and casts him from our sight.
Your prayers to God will keep you, for alone, you'd surely fall.
Your weakness becomes strength, when upon His Name, you call.

Put on all your Gospel Armour and be ready to fight.
Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.
Put on all your Gospel Armour and be ready to stand,
There's a battle coming, and it's not against a man.

This is the last "rerun," for my old friends, as this is part 5, and now we are all together as one; new friends, new groups, as we share, learn, and together, in prayer, try to follow the path set before us.
I've reread the notes, part 1 - 5, and I sit in awe and wonder; this all started because I felt "led" to share a song with you. Time and time again, I seem to say, "I've never done this before." "Iv'e never done or been this way."

(With bad eye sight and worse memory, history has always been a mystery to me. But now, His Story is my story and is your story, too.)
Still, I'll try to follow where He leads me, and try to do what what Father wants me to do, but humbly ask that you remember and forgive me, when I falter and stumble, too. So many poems, He's given me, have helped me out, along this way, many of which I've shared with you, sometimes just in comments that I say.
It's kinda difficult, you see, what is of Father and what is of me.
"Not my will, but Thy will, is the way that we should pray, and ask for help to keep us on the path He's set our way."
Part 5 *********************************
( Do you have enough oil, the truth in God's Word, in your lamp to hold you till the true Jesus comes,)

(I need to be sure you all have Gospel Armour song, as I can see now, that they go hand in hand.)

Okay, GOSPEL ARMOUR has been reposted, so we now have copies of both.

"Or will you fall away," is the opposite of being able to stand .
Eph 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Eph 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Eph 6:14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

*(Eph 6:14 - 17 has to do with the GOSPEL ARMOUR song, so we'll save that for later.)

When reading these 4 verses in Ephesians, we are obviously being told to "stand." So, what about the parable of the ten virgins, with their lamps?
Matt 25:1 Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to greet the bridegroom.

The keywords here are "Then shall," meaning in the future kingdom of heaven. Ten stands for law and responsibilty in biblical numerics, virgins for purity, lamps give off light, and their purpose was to be there for the bridegroom.

Matt 25:2 And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
Matt 25:3 They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them;
Matt 25:4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

The foolish did not have enough oil, and as oil is the truth of God's word, they did not know that they would have to wait on the true Jesus; that the false one comes first. The wise ones knew to be prepared because they could not "buy" oil from the false one

Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Matt 25:5 Whle the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.

Mk 13:35 Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning.

Matt 26:6 And at midnight there was a cry made," Behold, the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him."
Matt 26:7 Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.
Matt 26:8 And the foolish said unto the wise, "Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.
Matt 26:9 But the wise answered, saying, "Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves."
Matt 26:10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.

This is where the five foolish virgins were deceived, because the only way they could buy oil was in believing the false doctrine of the antichrist.
Matt 26:11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, "lord, lord, open to us."
Matt 26:12 But he answered and said, "Verily I say unto you, "I know you not."

They were no longer virgins, for they left, and did not stay. They fell away. The five wise virgins knew you could not "give away" oil (truth of God's Word), so they were prepared and waited. (We can scatter the seed, but only God can make it grow.)
Matt 26:13 Watch ye therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

Mk 13:36 Lest coming suddenly, he find you sleeping.
Mk 13:37 And what I say unto you, I say unto all, "Watch."

(Father has given me only two songs, which is a good thing, as they are His words, not mine, and what He didn't do is give me a title or let me know what to do with them so they sat in a drawer for over ten years. All my other poems had to do with my history, and so I learned to share them with whomever they were about, and sometimes shared them with another with a similar problem. But these were songs, they were prophecy, and no one seemed to know or care when I did try to share. But now, I do understand and it is time for these to be shared with all who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Gospel Armour is easy, but Will You Fall Away is a parable, and it took Bible study, Christian friends, and prayer to the Father, to fully understand the message in this song. This is a special "Thank you" to all of those friends who helped me with comments, advice, and research, which made this possible.)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Which Path to Take and Decesion to Make.

Everyday, some of us are going to reach that place where the road splits, and goes two or more ways. Which way do we go? Now, I say "we," for two reasons. The first reason is we never walk alone.
When you pray, you are not praying to yourself; you are praying to the Lord, because you know He is with you and will hear even an unspoken prayer. So, this is why I say "We." But, then, just as He is with you, so too, can the devil be trying to lead you off in his direction.
Thoughts of fame, gain, pleasure or pain,
That little whisper that you hear,
When you choose which way to go,
Is not so much from the one on high,
But is the one from down below.
The other "we," is because you have two bodies. The physical or flesh body, which lives for the moment and will sure die; and the spiritual body, where your soul is, and which will never physically die. When you have two paths to take, and a decesion to make, most often, the flesh wants to go one way and the spirit wants to go another.
There is a constant war,
Going on, inside of you, everyday.
"Flesh" wants to walk the road to worldly pleasures,
"Spirit" knows Who walks beside you,
And wants to follow Him, the other way.
So, now the choice to make becomes clearer, as you consider whose "voice" to follow. Flesh wants you to lead, and will merrily follow you all the way to hell. Spirit knows Who walks beside you, and wants to follow Him, and return to the joy and peace within.
Now the decesion is clearer still,
Will you lead or will you follow?
Life, and follow  the Lord to heaven,
Death will lead the way to hell.